One of Those People that Live in the World (1974)

One of Those People that Live in the World (1974)

1974-10-14 70 Min. PG-13
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Writer/director Paul Maunder's second drama after his award-winning Going Up North for a While is a portrait of a woman's mental health crisis. In part one Julie (Denise Maunder) is haunted by her birth mother's breakdown. Her inner monologue narrates events; Julie hopes marriage and a job will "cure" her, and falls pregnant. After a traumatic delivery, she suffers an acute episode and is admitted into care. Part two takes place in a psychiatric hospital where drugs, electroconvulsive therapy and art therapy were standard treatments at the time. Maunder undertook research at Auckland's Kingseat psychiatric hospital.


Donna Akersten is Receptionist
Gael Anderson is Mrs Proctor
Mrs Proctor
Anne Batt is Dorothy
Jean Betts is Birth mother
Birth mother
Pat Birdling is Barbara
Helen Brew is Mother
Kaye Buchanan is Occupational Therapist
Occupational Therapist
Marie Bullock is Mrs Priddle
Mrs Priddle
Georgina Carey is Mrs McPherson
Mrs McPherson